Hunting Down CVE-2023-29343: An Elusive Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability in Sysmon

Introduction of Topic

In recent months, security researchers have discovered a critical vulnerability, CVE-2023-29343, which allows adversaries to exploit arbitrary file write capabilities in Sysmon v14.14. This vulnerability poses a significant risk as it can lead to privilege escalation on compromised hosts. In this threat hunting article, we will explore the impact of this vulnerability, its potential exploitation in your environment, and how you can proactively detect and mitigate such attacks using a Sigma detection rule

Understanding CVE-2023-29343:

CVE-2023-29343 targets Sysmon v14.14, a widely used system monitoring tool. The vulnerability enables attackers to write arbitrary files on compromised systems, providing them with an opportunity to escalate privileges and gain deeper access to the environment. Exploiting this vulnerability can have severe consequences, including unauthorized access, data exfiltration, and lateral movement.

Detecting CVE-2023-29343 Exploitation with Sigma:

To proactively detect potential exploitation attempts related to CVE-2023-29343, we can leverage a Sigma detection rule. The provided Sigma rule focuses on specific file events that indicate the presence of the exploit code or attempted exploitation. By monitoring and analyzing these file events, security teams can identify and respond to potential attacks in a timely manner.

The Sigma Detection Rule:

					title: Possible a Part of CVE-2023-29343 (Sysmon14.14) Exploitation Attempt (via file_event)
status: stable
description: |
  Adversaries may try to exploit CVE-2023-29343 (Arbitrary File Write in Sysmon v 14.14) in order to elevate privileges on the compromised host. This rule detects potential exploitation attempts based on publicly available proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code.
  - GitHub - Wh04m1001/CVE-2023-29343

author: SOC Prime Team
  - GitHub - Wh04m1001/CVE-2023-29343
  - attack.t1068
  - attack.privilege_escalation
  product: windows
  category: file_event
        - 'Windows'
        - 'System32'
        - 'DriverStore'
        - 'FileRepository'
        - 'prnge001'
        - '.inf'
        - 'Windows'
        - 'System32'
        - 'wow64log.dll'
        - 'Windows'
        - 'tracing'
        - '.LOG'
  condition: selection1 or selection2 or selection3
  - Unknown
level: medium
id: 5fd95abd-a6b6-4882-a0e3-420562fc9a2e

These hunting queries can be executed against the relevant logs in your environment, such as Windows Sysmon logs. They will help you identify any suspicious activities related to the exploitation of CVE-2023-29343

Mitigation and Response:

  1. Keep your systems and software up to date with the latest patches and security updates.
  2. Implement strong access controls and least privilege principles to minimize the impact of privilege escalation attempts.
  3. Monitor and analyse relevant logs, including Sysmon logs, for any suspicious file events or indications of CVE-2023-293.